Problems with Access and Navigation
Responses to the question: "What would you like to see added or changed on the Electronic Journals pages?"
Up to date links, i.e. sometimes I can get to a journal if I follow the UW link, but not the UG link.
Do not always get full text- sometimes only abstract or password required.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology (American Assoc. of Microbiol) does not allow PDF downloads of articles without signing in, and using a password. Can this be avoided? Do we have a UW password? At present I can access only the abstracts.
hard to get to some journals e.g. Angewandte Chemie by Wiley InterScience - probably due to # of users.
I was looking at the annual review of sexual research and it was listed but I could only get the abstract - this is misleading.
Ability to print journal articles online. I know if we have the journal in the library, we have to come and photocopy it here. Much easier if we can just print it.
Easier access to the passwords for electronic journals - or make the passwords the same for all e-journals if possible
Easier to access what you want - not ALWAYS under construction and just not working. This is VERY annoying when you are trying to do research for a paper that is due in a week.
Explicit information on how to use E-journals successfully. I find I waste a lot of time trying to figure out how to successfully achieve results. I just wish things were simpler! Thanks.
I would like to see the bloody thing work … I tested many keywords and phases with several WLU and ALL and got no results.
More comprehensive to first time users. Other links immediately available to everyone
Often experience "signing" sheets with ejournals, don't know specific passwords. E.g. Nature and J Clin Microbiol. Going through UT can be slow sometimes. Keep expanding - very useful service.
Quick links to primary research areas (ie. Chemistry) where there should be a few journals listed with appropriate password and login
Would like to site to return to what it was like last year. Don't know how to search for article now. Can find the journals but not the articles
Integrate the ERL journals into more accessible format.
ASVE and ASME journals are more unwieldly to browse than Elsevier and Pergamon. It would be nice though not critical, to have all journals presented in a more uniform format electronically. (all I need are pdf files)
Easier navigation - ie. go to main Elsevier site - should activate the (Elsevier) in parentheses as a link to Elsevier@waterloo
Quick links to primary research areas (ie. Chemistry) where there should be a few journals listed with appropriate password and login

Survey Results