Complete Title List Wanted
Responses to the question: "What would you like to see added or changed on the Electronic Journals pages?"
An index of journal titles categorized by subjects such as 'recreation and tourism', 'resource management', 'geographic information systems', 'environmental assessment'. Currently under the journal search you have to enter a specific journal title such as 'Urban and Landscape Planning' or 'Restoration Ecology' in order to successfully call up specific journals. This is difficult when the titles are unknown.
add alphabetical lists.
The journal 'Science' is hard to find, when the title is written as the keyword every science journal, starting with the letter a comes up, instead of those closest matching the description.
Finding a particular journal can be tedious. For example, when I searched for Science, I could search for a journal containing the word science (wat too many), or I could search for all journals that start with S, which still leaves a lot to scroll through. A way to make a specific search (maybe with boolean operators) would improve things.
Like previous layout where it was possible to browse through all titles alphabetically or by discipline. Would prefer if the current search method could be preserved with an added option to browse through the full list
Want to know which journal can be serviced by this EJ page
A link to the name list of electronic journals (available) will be great! Not only that we will know what is available electronically, but also it will save time to get to the right place.
Rather than a pull down list of the alphabet, maybe have the letters already visible as links from that same page
As alternative to current entry point for scientific journals, provide complete list by title only. Often use this page knowing the name but can't get to it quickly
I might just be a moron, but why can't I search for a specific title. I am looking for an electronic copy of the journal "Science" and when I search by either or the choices given to me, I am returned with 900+ journals.

Survey Results