Bettter Subject Access
Responses to the question: "What would you like to see added or changed on the Electronic Journals pages?"
Broadening the subject areas would be great
Make the headings more clear. Also often a book is listed not available when it is and vice versa
An index of journal titles categorized by subjects such as 'recreation and tourism', 'resource management', 'geographic information systems', 'environmental assessment'. Currently under the journal search you have to enter a specific journal title such as 'Urban and Landscape Planning' or 'Restoration Ecology' in order to successfully call up specific journals. This is difficult when the titles are unknown.
The "general subject areas" are bizarre. My MSC research would fall under the category of isotope biogeochemistry. I am interested in stable isotopes (earth sciences, sometimes), microbiology, botany, geochemistry, etc. I never use the "general subject areas" b/c they simply do not apply to what I am interested in. Where is "biology"? "life sciences"?
Add a criteria category for specific journals (not just keyword) perhaps support for some advanced search criteria for phrase or keyword searches. Ability to filter out low grade journals, or ability to select journals targeted at certain users (academic and esoteric, students, actuallly practical, study oriented) (or at least have a description of what each journal is about and to which category they belong).
Add a criteria category for specific journals (not just keyword) perhaps support for some advanced search criteria for phrase or keyword searches. Ability to filter out low grade journals, or ability to select journals targeted at certain users (academic and esoteric, students, actuallly practical, study oriented) (or at least have a description of what each journal is about and to which category they belong).
Browsing alphabetically is slow (esp. J). Sub-divide?
Classify the journals

Survey Results