Dictionaries / Thesauri / Glossaries

Andrew Petersen's dictionary of Islamic architectural terms, originally published by Routledge in 1996, is available here with links to related buildings and publications on ArchNet.

Intended “as a free resource for all those interested in the philosophy of mind. The dictionary has a policy of blind peer review for all submissions to the dictionary. Advisory, editorial and review boards have been established.”

Essential reading for professional psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and students of psychology and related disciplines such as nursing, sociology, social work, and education.

Contains alphabetically organized entries on all aspects of chemistry, physics, biology (including human biology), Earth sciences, and astronomy. Includes short biographies of leading scientists, full-page illustrated features on selected subjects, and chronologies of specific scientific subjects.

Offers "up-to-date information on all aspects of Shakespeare in his own time and on his impact and influence on later ages."

Has international coverage of terms and concepts; related terms from psychology, economics, anthropology, philosophy, and political science; and material on topics such as cultural studies and identity, mass media, and the Internet, nationalism and McDonaldization.

Covers a broad range of statistical vocabulary in jargon-free language. It provides concise definitions of terms likely to be encountered by students, of both Statistics and of other disciplines such as politics, medicine, and mathematics.

"Contains data on 4000+ chemicals studied for environmental impact or toxicity, and provides all the required information for the assessment of risks associated with the use of those chemicals."

Information about the books of the Bible, customs, religions and worship, history, and theology, important places, and personalities.

Designed to make social scientific language comprehensible to general readers. Collecting anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, human geography, cultural studies, and Marxism in one volume, the dictionary presents concise, clearly written definitions of more than 1,500 important terms.